St Michael's Wandsworth Common

St Michael’s is a small Anglican church with a long history and a big heart, located just off the Northcote Road in SW London. It's committed to serving those of all ages who live, work, learn and play in its neighbourhood.

What they needed

With a fresh sense of mission, St Michael's needed a simple visual identity that would help people to place them in the midst of their community, together with some promotional material and templates for future use.

What we provided

We combined their four areas of outreach, with their eco-commitment and geography, to create a visual identity that highlights their location and works across print and digital settings, from their online presence to their flagpole! We continue to provide ongoing support whenever they need it, including artwork for promotional banners and technical advice.

Cover of St Michael's Wandsworth Common large print service bookCover and inside page of St Michael's Wandsworth Common large print service bookAn A-frame sign board to welcome people to the church building.Large green feather banner for welcoming people to St Michael's Wandsworth CommonA branded flag with the new St Michael's Wandsworth Common logo.


We loved working with Paul and Karen. They listened to all that we want to accomplish here and turned it into a unique identity for our community that would be useful across all our promotional material. Their work was on time and on budget and they always respond promptly to follow-up enquiries.

Rev'd Tif Ewins

St Michael's Wandsworth Common

Three shapes, a yellow circle, a blue triangle and a red rectangle being friendly
Hand drawn plant shape with blue leaves

Contact us.

Interested in starting a project? Or have something you would like to chat through with us?

A yellow shape on the telephone giving us a call